Sunday 13 January 2013

Your Boss is Prizefighter

Don't even dream about it, don't ever take the bait. To fight your boss? That is a suicide mission, a mission that in the least will leave wounded bitterly if not out in the cold looking for a new job. What with pay freezes, the threat of lay offs and the ever-present reality that there's a mile-long line of unemployed workers itching to do your job, fighting your boss is nothing short of committing career suicide.
As stated earlier, your boss is only human with her personal traits, beliefs, idiosyncrasies, foibles and temperament. She is influenced and guided by life experiences and some of those experiences may not have been pleasant at all, so she projects her hurt, anger, frustrations on to her subordinates and this can get you really crazy.

There are crazy things that bosses do and the fact that someone is your boss does not mean they posses good ethics, beliefs or principles. You will be amazed at what people believe and what principles they adhere to. I have tried to list some things bosses do that may seem to provide moral justification for you to get into the ring with them. However, I will advise that you don't take the bait unless you want to get knocked out of the ring (job).

Crazy Things Bosses Do

1. Taking credit for your ideas and presenting them to management without even acknowledging you. This could really hurt and can make you want to go tothe higher-ups to state your claim to the idea with solid evidence. Please don't take the bait unless you are sure of getting another job. Simply discuss this over with your boss and if he is reasonable, he will find a way to compensate you, besides other team members are most likely aware that the idea was yours. Another option out of this quagmire is to patent your idea if you really believe that it is worth much and it is a potential game changer for your company that way your idea is protected.

2. Playing the favouritism/ethnic card.
Trust me this one really hurts. I have worked with bosses who play this card well. They clearly favour employees from their religion or ethnic group with the best projects, best advice, real exposure, promotion, pay increase etc. Employees with different ethno-religious inclinations are treated like dung and rarely have face time with boss. Sometimes the favoured employees serve as a go-between the boss and the less favoured employees. This could be really frustrating especially when the favoured employees are less competent, lazy and are just engaged in playing politics. I know all the signs scream “Fight” or “Report your boss to the higher-ups” but please don't make that mistake. Nobody will believe you and there is hardly any prove, you will be amazed that in the end you will stand alone as other affected employees who should have stood with you will stick to their jobs and allow you fight your boss alone.

3.Playing the God card.
Aha! that got your attention. You probably may have worked with bosses who behave as if they own their staff. They verbally and psychologically abuse them and encroach into their private space and lives with reckless abandon. These are bosses that insist everyone works late, they run the unit like their private empire and no body dares challenge them. The don't care about work-life balance, and don't give a damn if your marriage is crumbling because of your job, all they are concerned about is to meet some impossible-to-meet deadliness. I have read of bosses that send there staff on personal errands, one boss even asked his staff to shave his beards before attending a high powered conference and another asked his staff to deliver his dog poo sample to a vetinery clinic.
There are so many horrible stories. In deed some bosses can really play the God

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