Friday 18 January 2013

Is It Okay To Confront Your Boss?

If you have a boss that is hard to deal with, or abusive in any way, your best course of action may be to stand up and tell her how you feel about it. By absorbing the blows and remaining silent, you may actually be harming your career instead of preserving it. Knowing how to approach your boss and what to say when the time arrives is a key factor in determining the outcome. Also remember, that as you choose the option to confront your boss, it will be wise to have a back up plan.

The following tips will help you as you choose to take the route of confronting your boss.

#1 The Diplomatic Approach

Schedule a meeting with your boss during which the issue at hand will be discussed. If the problem you wish to discuss effects everyone in the office, select the employee who has the best relationship with the boss to lead the meeting. When the meeting starts, get right to the point and voice your concerns with the boss. Let her know what is bothering you and how it needs to change, respectfully and without being confrontational. Let her know that you understand her point of view as well and offer new solutions to the situation that may appease both sides. The idea is to inform your boss that you are not happy  with the way things are, while offering a positive solution that may improve on the status quo.
The Diplomatic Approach

#2 The Direct Approach

If your boss' behavior is over the top and you feel as though you are being abused in the workplace, you may have to confront her in a more direct manner. The best time to take a stand is when the abuse is taking place. After your boss has said her piece, step in  and announce that you do not appreciate her tone or choice of language. Make it clear that her actions are not resulting in better work but are, instead, reducing the output and morale of the

The Direct Approach
workers. If this leads to another tirade, inform your boss that you will not be berated and that you will be back to discuss the issue further when she is in a better state of mind. If the tone or language remains abusive, inform your boss that her actions are not professional and that you will not stand for it. Report the actions to the human relations department, or to your boss' superiors.

#3 The Subtle Approach

If your boss is making unwanted advances toward you, take a stand to prevent things from getting out of hand. Read your boss' personality to judge what type of approach is best. Start off slow with jokes about the inappropriateness of your boss' behavior and see if she gets the hint. If not, mention that you or she are involved with someone and see if this causes her to back off. If the advances keep coming, tell your boss flat out that they are not welcome and that you want them to stop. Should the situation still not change, contact the human relations department and tell them what has been going on. In some cases an attorney consultation can help you to determine your rights and what other legal steps can be taken to end the problem.

Inappropriate Approach

#4 The Confidence Factor
The act of standing up to your boss in any situation requires a bit of resolve and an attitude that you deserve to be treated fairly. If you walk in afraid or ready to capitulate at the first sign of a raised voice or a threatening tone, you will never get anywhere. Instead, confront your boss with confidence and a clear sense of what you wish to accomplish. Odds are your boss will respect you more for your ability to step up and take a stand and that your working relationship will be improved immediately and into the future. If the opposite occurs, perhaps it is better to find out where you stand before you end up spending the rest of your career under the thumb of a bad boss.

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