Monday 14 January 2013

I Hope you don't make the list

I Know it feels good to place the blame on our bosses, but have you really taken a close look at your work life, your effectiveness and your attitude to work. What type of employee are you?

There are a lot of terrible employees who are pretty much difficult to work with or supervise. There attitude to work, their colleagues and their boss is appalling to say the least.
Now, executives and managers can and will overlook all sorts of weird and quirky behavior as long as the job gets done. But certain types of employees can't seem to stop themselves from creating more problems than they solve.  Below is a list of different kinds of employees that Bosses dread to work with.

Employee Type#1-Mr ImportantMr. Important takes himself too seriously. Anytime you need something, he has to check his schedule or who-knows-what and get back to you. Or he has all sorts of questions and concerns, every little bit of minutiae he can think of just to sound important. It's so
annoying that, after a while, you just go somewhere else.

Mr. Important
 Employee Type#2-Nancy the NegatronNancy the Negatron is  all about why things can't be done or shouldn't be done a certain way. She have always got reasons why something is wrong but never any good suggestions on how to do it differently or better. She is always trying to stir up trouble or a debate over nothing. She just sucks the energy out of organizations.

Nancy the Negatron
 Employee Type#3-Mr. Brick WallThe Brick Wall is stubborn, so inflexible. If he doesn’t do things exactly a certain way -- his way -- you'd think the whole world is going to fall apart. It gets to the point where he is actually intimidating to work with, so you just give up. Maybe that's the point.

Mrs. Kill Joy

Employee Type#4-Mrs. kill JoyIt's easy to spot Mrs. Kill Joy in meetings. She is the one who always have to know why we have to do it this way or that way and why not the other way. She just enjoy criticizing every idea for the sake criticism. All she does is just waste everyone's time in a bid to constantly hear the sound of their own voice -- or so. She usually doesn't have actually do any work.

Employee Type#5-Tim the Trust Seeker
Trust is earned and built over time it will be unwise to expect your boss to trust you when you have not worked hard enough to earn that trust. Tim the Trust Seeker always wants to be trusted, he wants to be giving bigger assignments and recognition even when he has not shown competence in smaller assignments. Tim plays the guilt and victimization card and makes his boss really uncomfortable.

Tim the Trust Seeker

Employee Type#6-Mr. Know it All
Mr Know-it- all is simply annoying. He is smart but takes on too much task in a bid to prove some points. He has an opinion on every subject and critcizes every idea and every one else. He acts as if he has all the answers and will in time loose all his credibility.

Employee Type#7-Mr. Anxious
It's one thing when you're new to a job and need some hand holding to get going. I'm actually a bit of a slow starter myself. But some employees like Mr. Anxious stay that way. They have zero self-confidence, are full of angst, and need to be told exactly what to do and how to do it and confirm every little thing with you for fear they might actually get it wrong and be held accountable. It's sad, but it's also a real problem.

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